

What We Offer

Spanish Levels

and Progression

Level 1A - The student is able to understand and use common expressions to satisfy immediate needs, request basic personal information, as well as interact with Spanish speakers with simple conversations.

Level 1B - The student is able to understand and use common expressions, have simple communicative exchanges on common topics and describe aspects of their present and past.

Level 2A - The student is able to be understood in and understand a variety of situations, simply and clearly explain past and present events. Understand some texts and write and describe some experiences from their past.

Level 2B - The student is able to be understood in and understand a wide variety of situations, express himself more fluently and clearly explain present, past and future events. Understand more varied texts and describe their experiences in greater detail.

Level 3A - The student is able to express opinions clearly and present unique points of view. Expose advantages and disadvantages of hypothetical situations. Ability to converse more naturally, fluently and effectively. Understand main ideas of complex texts.

Level 3B - The student has advanced linguistic knowledge that allows fluent, extensive and precise communication. Ability to easily function in a group of Spanish-speaking people. Ability to understand complex texts of various styles as well as begin to write them.

Level 4 - At this level the student will be able to comprehend everything very easily, and will know how to respond using an expansive range of vocabulary. Ability to understand complex and structured texts and write and respond in kind register. Ability to adapt swiftly to different circumstances completely in Spanish. Coherent and spontaneous self-expression with fluency and precision.

Online Courses

Online courses are recommended for students ages 12 and up. Online courses are available at the request of the student/parent and contingent upon agreement of the teacher. All levels are eligible for taking place online 1 to 3 times per week.

Conversation and


Intensive Two Week


10 day intensive course over two to three weeks, three to five days per week. These courses cannot be changed, and they are structured for either an intermediate or advanced level.

Courses and Programs

for Children

Cost of classes is per student.

These classes are one on one with students who simply want to practice conversations on different topics such as cultural events in the community, cafe conversations with friends, travel experiences and more. Recommended for Intermediate and Advanced students - 40 minute duration, once per week.

Intensive Course #1: Culture and Conversation

Students will study the language and culture of different Spanish-speaking countries. The student will be able to understand the differences in accents and ways of expressing themselves in different countries with a high degree of competency. Ability to learn and talk about cultural and historical aspects.

Intensive Course #2: AP Spanish Exam Prep

This course will prepare the student to easily pass the AP Spanish exams. Strategies and mechanics of the tests will be analyzed and dissected for optimum test-taking experience. Listening and reading comprehension, written competency, and spoken response skills as applies to the exam will be practiced and mastered.

3rd to 7th grade (40 min.)

These classes are individual or in groups of 3 students who are of the same level and are designed for students to learn or increase their vocabulary. Basic conversation is applied according to the student’s or group’s own pace and abilities. The classes are fun, entertaining, and dynamic. Learning is achieved through songs, rhymes, sayings and stories.

Kinder to 2nd grade (30 min.)

These classes are individual or in groups of 3 students who are of the same level and are designed for students to learn or increase their vocabulary. Basic conversation is applied according to the student’s or group’s own pace and abilities. The classes are fun, entertaining, and dynamic. Learning is achieved through songs, rhymes, sayings and stories.